Contracting for safety is essential for ensuring that everyone in the workplace feels safe and secure. It is especially important when it comes to high-risk professions such as construction, mining, and transportation. However, many employers may not be familiar with the concept of contracting for safety. In this article, we will discuss what contracting for safety entails and how to implement it in your workplace.

What is Contracting for Safety?

Contracting for safety means that employees and employers agree to a set of safety rules and procedures that everyone must follow. This contract outlines the responsibilities of both parties regarding safety, including what employees should do to ensure their own safety and what employers should do to provide a safe work environment.

Why is Contracting for Safety Important?

Contracting for safety is an essential aspect of workplace safety because it sets clear expectations and establishes a shared responsibility for safety. The contract creates a culture of safety in the workplace, which encourages employees to take safety seriously and to be more aware of potential hazards. It also helps to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring, which can save lives and prevent costly lawsuits.

How to Implement Contracting for Safety in Your Workplace:

1. Create a Safety Policy: The first step in implementing contracting for safety is to create a safety policy that outlines the safety rules and procedures that everyone in the workplace must follow. This policy should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

2. Communicate the Policy: Once you have created the safety policy, you must communicate it to all employees. This can be done through safety training sessions, safety meetings, or by distributing the policy document.

3. Get Employee Feedback: It is essential to get employee feedback on the safety policy to ensure that everyone understands it and to identify any areas that need improvement.

4. Sign the Contract: Once everyone understands and agrees to the safety policy, you should have all employees sign a contract to show their commitment to following the safety rules and procedures.

5. Regularly Review the Policy: It is important to regularly review the safety policy to ensure that it is up to date and effective in preventing accidents and injuries.


Contracting for safety is an essential aspect of workplace safety that can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. By implementing a safety policy, communicating it to employees, getting feedback, and regularly reviewing it, you can create a culture of safety in your workplace that encourages everyone to take safety seriously.