What is NPC Circular Data Sharing Agreement and its Importance?

The National Privacy Commission (NPC) issued Circular 2018-03 or the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) last March 8, 2018. Primarily, the circular aims to help organizations share data appropriately while ensuring that the rights and privacy of data subjects are protected.

Data sharing has become a critical part of business operations where data is shared between various entities to improve their processes, products, and services, and to enhance customer experiences. The NPC recognizes the importance of data sharing while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is protected.

The NPC Circular on Data Sharing Agreement outlines the principles and guidelines for entities to follow when sharing personal information. Here are the key points discussed in the circular:

1. Data Sharing Objectives

The DSA should clearly state the objectives of the data sharing activity. The objectives should be specific, legitimate, and directly related to the operation of the organizations involved in the data sharing.

2. Data Sharing Scope

The DSA should define the scope of the data sharing activity, including the type of data, the purpose of collection, the parties involved, and the duration of the agreement.

3. Compliance with Data Privacy Act

The DSA should comply with the Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act. The agreement should include the necessary provisions that ensure the protection of the data subject`s rights and their privacy.

4. Data Security Measures

The DSA should outline the security measures that the entities will use to protect the data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction. Entities should ensure that the data is protected from any form of misuse, loss, or theft.

5. Data Subject Rights

The DSA should contain provisions that recognize and uphold the data subject rights as defined by the Data Privacy Act.

6. Accountability and Responsibility

The DSA should identify the responsibilities of the parties involved and their accountability in case of data breaches or misuse.

The NPC Circular on Data Sharing Agreement is essential for organizations that engage in sharing data. The circular provides guidelines that ensure that the parties involved respect the privacy of individuals while achieving their objectives.

Organizations should comply with the circular to avoid risks of non-compliance and hefty fines that may result in damage to their reputation. The circular promotes transparency, trust, and accountability among entities that share data.

In conclusion, the NPC Circular on Data Sharing Agreement is vital in protecting the privacy of individuals while enabling organizations to share data that is crucial in enhancing their processes, products, and services. Organizations should strictly follow the guidelines set by the circular to ensure that they are compliant with the Data Privacy Act and avoid non-compliance risks.